St. Mary School is an accredited nonpublic school and member of MNSAA, following all guidelines, standards, and procedures of the accreditation process.
2021-2028 School Strategic Plan (Adobe PDF)
MNSAA is the largest accrediting association for nonpublic schools in the State of Minnesota, accrediting over 170 K-12 schools. The Minnesota Nonpublic Education Council officially recognizes MNSAA as a bonified accrediting association within the State of Minnesota. MNSAA is also a state chapter of the National Federation of Nonpublic State School Accrediting Associations.
The Minnesota Nonpublic School Accrediting Association (MNSAA) was established in 1976 to accredit nonpublic secondary schools. Prior to this time, the nonpublic secondary schools were accredited through an exclusive process by the University of Minnesota. In response to a broad petition, the Association began accrediting nonpublic elementary schools in 1983.
MNSAA was intentionally established to be a secular entity. The association serves a significant number of Catholic schools throughout the State of Minnesota, yet MNSAA also supports a mix of faith-based and independent nonpublic schools. Other background represented in MNSAA include Christian, WELS, Church of the Lutheran Brethren, Independent, and Orthodox Jewish. Historically, MNSAA has accredited schools of SDA, Missouri Synod, Native American, and other backgrounds.
The mission of the Minnesota Nonpublic School Accrediting Association is to be a catalyst for enhancing the quality of K-12 nonpublic education in Minnesota through a comprehensive accreditation process.
MNSAA fulfills its mission by:
• Establishing high standards of quality and excellence for the learning process
• Facilitating the continuous improvement of member schools;
• Monitoring accountability of member schools;
• Providing education and training opportunities; and
• Developing relationships with public and private organizations.
• Requiring an extensive self-evaluation and visionary strategic plan for improvement.
Our purpose is to assist member schools in developing and maintaining the highest possible educational standards that promote student growth and school improvement. MNSAA assists member schools in preserving vital freedoms which enable them to practice their various philosophies of education and to thrive in a pluralistic society.
The following links will take you to the MNSAA website:
Minnesota Nonpublic School Accrediting Association